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Send request for aadhaar otp verification.



Content-Type: application/json
app-id: {{appId}}
x-api-key: {{apiKey}}

Note: api-key attribute has been changed to x-api-key in the latest version of the api.

Sample Request Body:

"requestId": "9ed1966e-8aa1-4faa-9b23-5dd656390648",
"otp": "123456",
"consent": "Y",
"consentText": "I hereby declare my consent agreement for fetching my Aadhaar information",
"taskId": "08826ca8-6dc4-47af-8837-747b68371b93"

Attributes in Request Body

requestIdyesrequest_id generated by OTP request.
otpyesotp received on Aadhaar Linked Phone.
consentyesuser's consent indicator, typically "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
consentTextyestext indicating the user’s consent for fetching Aadhaar details.
taskIdyestask_id generated by OTP request.

Send Request

Click Send and wait for the response.

Sample Response Body:

"request_id": "9ed1966e-8aa1-4faa-9b23-5dd656390648",
"task_id": "08826ca8-6dc4-47af-8837-747b68371b93",
"group_id": "81ae4378-5ecc-4cd6-9645-1fd2d7d69e8c",
"success": true,
"response_code": "100",
"response_message": "Valid Authentication",
"result": {
"user_full_name": "John Doe",
"user_aadhaar_number": "********1234",
"user_dob": "11/1/2000",
"user_gender": "M",
"user_address": {
"country": "India",
"dist": "Example",
"state": "Example",
"po": "Example",
"loc": "Example",
"vtc": "Example",
"subdist": "Example",
"street": "Example",
"house": "Example",
"landmark": "Example"
"address_zip": "111111",
"user_profile_image": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAgGBgcGBQgHBwcJCQgKDBQNDAs...",
"user_has_image": true,
"user_parent_name": "Example",
"user_mobile_verified": false,
"reference_id": "123456789027213014161"
"metadata": {
"billable": "Y",
"reason_code": "TXN",
"reason_message": "Transaction Successful"
"request_timestamp": "2024-05-27T16:00:12.993Z",
"response_timestamp": "2024-05-27T16:00:15.165Z"