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Send request for e-visa verification status.



Content-Type: application/json
client-id: {{client-id}}
x-api-key: {{x-api-key}}

Sample Request Body:

"shareCode": "S** ** **C",
"dob": "01/01/2000",
"jobTitle": "Verifier's JOb Title",
"orgName": "Verifier's Organisation Name",
"purpose": "Verifier's Purpose"

Attributes in Request Body

shareCodeyesThe unique share code for immigration verification.
dobyesThe date of birth in DD/MM/YYYY format.
jobTitleyesThe job title of the individual verifying.
orgNameyesThe organization name associated with the verification.
purposeyesThe purpose of the verification (must match one of the allowed purposes).

Send Request

Click Send and wait for the response.

Sample Response Body:

"name": "John Doe",
"dateOfBirth": "01 January 2000",
"nationality": "IND",
"status": "Dependant",
"immigrationLimit": "There is no limit on how long they can stay in the UK.",
"companyName": "Your Company Name",
"jobTitle": "Your Job Ttile",
"dateOfCheck": "18 January 2025",
"referenceNumber": "SC-***8***-FX",
"purposeOfCheck": "Your Purpose",
"profileImage": "..."

Output Parameters

nameThe full name of the individual.
dateOfBirthThe date of birth of the individual.
nationalityThe nationality of the individual.
statusThe immigration status of the individual.
immigrationLimitDetails on any immigration limitations.
companyNameThe company name associated with the verification.
jobTitleThe job title provided in the verification process.
dateOfCheckThe date when the immigration check was performed.
referenceNumberThe reference number for the immigration verification.
purposeOfCheckThe purpose for which the immigration check was conducted.
profileImageThe base64-encoded profile image retrieved from the verification.