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Receiving Decisions

This hook will be sent back asynchronously, and it contains more data, including the verified identity information. The following link is used as webhook to which EarthID will send the decision status. Sample JSON req body:

"status": "success",
"verification": {
"id": "12df6045-3846-3e45-946a-14fa6136d78b",
"code": 9001,
"person": {
"gender": null,
"idNumber": null,
"lastName": "MORGAN",
"addresses": [
"fullAddress": "1234 Snowy Ridge Road, Indiana, 56789 USA",
"parsedAddress": {
"city": null,
"unit": null,
"state": "Indiana",
"street": "1234 Snowy Ridge Road",
"country": "USA",
"postcode": "56789",
"houseNumber": "null"
"firstName": "SARAH",
"citizenship": null,
"dateOfBirth": "1967-03-30",
"nationality": null,
"yearOfBirth": "1967",
"placeOfBirth": "MADRID",
"pepSanctionMatch": null
"reason": null,
"status": "approved",
"comments": [],
"document": {
"number": "MORGA753116SM9IJ",
"country": "GB",
"validFrom": null,
"validUntil": "2022-04-20",
"placeOfIssue": "MADRID",
"firstIssue": "2015-03-21",
"issueNumber": "01",
"issuedBy": "ISSUER"
"reasonCode": null,
"vendorData": "12345678",
"decisionTime": "2019-11-06T07:18:36.916Z",
"acceptanceTime": "2019-11-06T07:15:27.000Z",
"additionalVerifiedData": {
"driversLicenseCategory": {
"B": true
"driversLicenseCategoryFrom": {
"B": "2019-10-06"
"driversLicenseCategoryUntil": {
"B": "2025-10-05"
"riskLabels": [
"label": "document_integration_level_crosslinked_with_fraud",
"category": "document",
"sessionIds": ["5a2358e7-fd31-4fcb-a23f-4d76651ba68a"]
"label": "document_integration_level_crosslinked_with_multiple_declines",
"category": "document",
"sessionIds": ["fd5c1563-1d23-4b1a-ae46-7ba429927ed8"]
"technicalData": {
"ip": ""

In case of success the sample response is ‘OK’.